
Foundational Analysis

Foundation Reading/Analysis of your Human Design BodyGraph. An in-depth analysis to get you started on your Human Design experiment. 


Partnership Analysis

Understand how you and the other connect mechanically, in this no-blame, in-depth analysis of you and your partner, or any one on one relationship.

Incarnation Cross

An in-depth analysis of what your purpose and life trajectory is. Revealing the mystery of your place in the grand scheme of life, mechanically as well as how you can align best to your life path

Solar Return

The most detailed Life Cycle reading which shows you opportunity, challenges and over all weather of what you might encounter in the upcoming Solar Return Cycle. Recommended 3 month ahead of solar return date (birthday)

Saturn Return

Saturn Return cycle, is the movement from youth into adulthood. This life cycle analysis brings a sense of relief in understanding the changes and weather that patinas this long phase. Recommended for all, especially for Line 6 individuals. 

Kiron Return 

Kiron Return is the maturing and flowering phase of life. Blooming into the adult, this is a maturation of consciousness process. A must-have life cycle analysis especially if you are Line 6 in your profile. 

Uranus Opposition

The best way to describe this is as “MID-LIFE crisis”. It doesn’t have to be one! This Life Cycle Analysis reveals the mechanical truth about the important nodal transition and the weather during this time.   

Child Development

“Children are the future. Human design is for the children.”-Ra Uru Hu A valuable Analysis and guiding session for the Parent, guardian or care-giver of the child.

Family Practices

A no-blame analysis and guiding service for The family unit. Revealing the mysterious and hidden dynamics and empowering you and your family with the mechanical tools of Human Design.

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Understand and Experience what it means to be You with the Empowering Support of the Human Design System. True Awakening to who you are designed to be so that, you can better navigate your own life, making the correct decisions and experiencing a deep sense of Satisfaction, success, peace and surprise..




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