Partnership Analysis

Partnership Analysis

It’s a shift from being in a relationship “not knowing”, to a Nine-centered relationship where your partnership no longer remains mundane but opens up to authenticity and integrity.

In Partnership analysis, together we will explore the mechanics of you and the other, together in a No-blame exploration.

  • What makes you both click
  • where might be the pain points, the potential challenges
  • where does who influence what
  • and so much more..!

Human Design System is a NO-BLAME system, its mechanical knowledge. empowered with this information, you both might potentially begin truly understanding each other. The depth of your acceptance might increase. Your communication might improve too! Who knows, maybe you might get that closure, that insight, You might find that deep peace, satisfaction, success or even surprises that liven up your relationship.

It’s a shift from being in a relationship “not knowing”, to a Nine-centered relationship where your partnership no longer remains mundane but opens up to authenticity and integrity.

But as always, ultimately the Decision is yours, how you move forward after having your Human Design Partnership Analysis.

At a Glance

What comprises a partnership?

Partnerships forms when two individuals (regardless of their gender) come together. It can be any kind of partnership or relationship like

  • you and your spouse 
  • you and your partner 
  • You and a co-worker
  • you and a family member
  • you and a friend (maybe your best friend)
  • you and maybe even you ex!!
Are there any prerequisite for this analysis?

Prerequisite Recommendation: A Foundation Reading for each person

Its recommended to previously have had your foundation analysis, and if possible you understand you are already experimenting with your Type, Strategy and Authority.  Although, it is not a must-have, but highly recommeded.

Other good to know details?
  • This analysis is done via Zoom video conferencing.
  • Its good to have both the indiviuals, in the partnership, present during this analysis. 
  • This session runs between 60 to 90 minutes.
  • The clients receives a recording of the session for their future referencing. 



Get Started

Book Partnership Analysis Reading

Understand and Experience what it means to be You with the Empowering Support of the Human Design System. True Awakening to who you are designed to be so that, you can better navigate your own life, making the correct decisions and experiencing a deep sense of Satisfaction, success, peace and surprise.




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