Incarnation Cross Analysis

Incarnation Cross Analysis 

“Each person has a very specific life purpose. When one lives who they are by honoring their specific strategy, that purpose is fulfilled.” – Mary Ann Winiger




Human Design System is a NO-BLAME system, its mechanical knowledge. 




What to Expect

Prerequisite recommendations

Prerequisite Recommendation: A Foundation Reading and atleast 3 years of being in your experiment of following your Type, Strategy and Authority



  • The session is one on one.
  • This session runs from 60  minutes.
  • Includes a downloadable recording of our time together.
More coming soon

More details coming soon…

Get Started

Book Incarnation Cross Analysis

 Understand and Experience what it means to be You with the Empowering Support of the Human Design System. True Awakening to who you are designed to be so that, you can better navigate your own life, making the correct decisions and experiencing a deep sense of Satisfaction, success, peace and surprise.




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