Dream Rave Analysis

Dream Rave Analysis

I guide you through this manual of yours, deciphering the language of Human Design Dream Rave chart .

Almost one third of our life, on average, is spent sleeping. Dream Rave Analysis reveals the night-time/sleepy-time programming that reinforces conditioning and the not-self decision making. 

This analysis provides you with awareness of key factors that might be pulling you away from truly awakening to being your own authentic design. 






At a Glance

Are there any prerequisite for this reading?

Pre-requisites for qualifying for this analysis are:

  • Foundational Analysis/reading from an IHDS certified Human Design Analyst
  • Preferably a minimum of one year in the experiment of living your design, following your Strategy and Authority.
  • Sleeping in your own Aura
What does the session look like?
  • The session is virtually held via Zoom Video Conferencing.
  • This is a One on One session.
  • The session lasts between 60-90 minutes.
  • The session is recorded and later you (the client) receives a copy so you can re-listen to it.


How do we do this?

 When you are ready, you can go ahead and click on the Book Now

  • Choose the appointment day and time
  • Enter your Correct BIRTH DATE which includes your birth date, birth time and birth location.
  • Pay the session amount. 
  • once payment has been processed, you will receive the Zoom Video Conference link. 

It’s as easy as that. 


Get Started

Book Foundational Reading

Understand and Experience what it means to be YOU with the Empowering Support of the Human Design System. True Awakening to who you are designed to be so that, you can make aligned decisions and better navigate your own life with a deeper sense of Satisfaction, Success, Peace and Surprise.





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