Child Development Analysis

Child Development Analysis Reading

Raising a child according to their true nature brings a level of support every parent seeks. Human Design brings a new outlook at parenting in the way of the Nine Centered humans that we actually are.


 Through Child Development analysis, you, the parent / guardian gets a view of what it means to be a modern day parent, as compared to what you might have been conditioned to do or forced to be by the traditional parenting ideology.

Raising a child according to their true nature brings a level of support every parent seeks. Human Design brings a new outlook at parenting in the way of the Nine Centered humans that we actually are.


What to Expect

What is the age at which child analysis can be done?

In Human design, Child Development analysis can be done for any children from newborn babies, toddlers, youths, teenagers to young adults who still havent reached their saturn return cycle( that is the age of around 26-27). 

There are no gender bias. 



In this analysis, we will look at not just the design of your child, but also you as the Parent/Guardian.

You will gain an insight into how best you can show up as your authentic self, tap into your unique parenting style according to your own unique design, learn who you are as well as your child is designed as, and more.

The outcomes are a level of understanding with which, if you decide according to your own sovereign authority, to support and empower yourself and your child.

Important Details

The process:

  • Analysis and guidance of your Design and the child’s Design.
  • This Session is  1:1, via zoom video.
  • You get the recording of the session for reference.
  • Any follow-up guidance are on a la carte basis.

Note: If you would like to have analysis of multiple children, kindly book separate sessions per child.

Also recommended Family Penta Analysis (learn more )

This session runs for approximately 90 minutes and includes a downloadable recording of our time together.

Get Started

Book Child Development Analysis Reading

Understand and Experience what it means to be You with the Empowering Support of the Human Design System. True Awakening to who you are designed to be so that, you can better navigate your own life, making the correct decisions and experiencing a deep sense of Satisfaction, success, peace and surprise.




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