About Sabina Abreo

Innocent Bystander observing the Maya. 

Hello! I’m Sabina

Certified Human Design Practioner


I am Sabina, 2/5 Energy Projector with Splenic inner authority. I am self-motivated, quad right Variable (technical speak for a human library ..shh thats my joke!) I am a deeply receptive individual who is very observant and absorbing of life and its potential lessons and wisdom.

I am certified by the International School of Human Design as a Living Your Design Guide. I am also a professionally trained & Certified Analyst, with advanced certifications as a Family Practice Specialist and Child Development Analyst.

As a projector, I am here to recognize the gifts and talents of others and guide & coach when invited.

I am designed for one on one engagements which result in a safe environment for my client, focused attention and tailor cut mentoring sessions.

I speak the Human Design language which is a code of differentiation and can decipher your map (BodyGraph) for you.

I am a Natural talented, practical Messenger of the Original Human Design system.

  • 2/5 Energy Projector
  • Splenic inner authority

My Human Design Story

I came across Human Design, in Jan 2020. It was just a few days after my birthday. I was on an elliptical (workout machine) dozing off while working out (no matter how funny it seems in the story, I don’t recommend it). I was playing an astrology video on social media and the host introduced an IHDS Certified Living Your Design Guide. That got my curiosity peaked and I woke up. All my senses alert, I stepped off the machine, got my BodyGraph and since then never stepped back on any workout machine. 

I had been struggling to be a Sacral being! I was trying to be a Generator type, trying to do , work work. I was trying hard to be a verbal gunslinger and trying to Initiate action. I was giving unsolicited advises which were uncalled for. I was trying to identify with something which I had no clue about just so I could FIT IN.
I was burnt out, sick, and killing myself by being stuck in my mental dilemma of what could I do to keep going like others? Wondering why don’t I have enough energy?, why am I having problems and meeting resistance with those around me when I was trying my best to follow their suggestion? why? why? why? I got my foundation reading/analysis with an IHDS certified analyst during which I was introduced with who I am designed to BE. Human Design gave me the blueprint, the manual of me! I recognized my not-self patterns. The fog of ignorance was slowly lifted as the light of awareness started shining in. I was invited to experiment with MY design, embrace my nature and become aware of the nurture I receive. It gave me the jump start and blazed the spark to awakening to my own design. I mattered for the unique being that I am!
I have been centered on living my Design, since then. Being guilt, shame, blame, and embarrassment free.

“The call came and it was for my own transformation.”

– Sabina Abreo (2/5 Hermit Heretic projector)


My Experience

  • Foundational Readings
  • Workshops
  • Partnership Readings
  • Child Development Analysis

My Education

  • Certified Human Design Analyst
  • Living your Design Guide
  • Child Development Analyst
  • Family Practices Specialist
  • Differentiation Degree Student
  • Dream Rave Analyst-Student
  • Rave Cosmology-Student
  • BG5 Career Analyst-Student

I Work With Individuals, Couples, Families, & Groups

Individual Analysis

One on One analysis services

Couples- Partnership Analysis

Connection analysis

Family Penta

Analysis of the Family unit

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