What’s the Calling

What is the Misson?

My mission is my purpose, which is fulfilled through Transformation.
By Sharing and Supporting others, in their transformation of self-awareness, through the knowing of Inner Truths & mystery grounded in Facts and detail that support Change and Growth on the Material plane, the Material world (Maia).
I am here to guide you on your self-journey in finding purpose in being human and living a full life.

What is the VIsION?

My vision is to share the grounded verbal expression of facts and details.
To translate our inner vision of patterns and formulas & be able to give necessary language and description to allow people to understand with Caution, Patience and Detail as necessary attributes. All about trying to achieve excellence out of limitation.
I do this through deciphering and interpreting the language of your Bodygraph aka your Human-Design chart.

What to Expect

Fractals are those with whom we are designed to connect and interact. These are very specific individuals on your frequency and/or your trajectory who need you and/or whom you need.

Whom Do I Serve?
Individuals that are trying to transcend their limitations
Discerning beings seeking Harmony.


What’s special ?
As a Projector, I am all about the other. You, my client are my other. Our sessions are private 1:1, over zoom/video-conferencing. Our sessions are tailor made for your design specifics, so that you may benefit from & with this knowledge in the most practical way possible.


Get Started

Book an appointment

Understand and Experience what it means to be YOU with the Empowering Support of the Human Design System. True Awakening to who you are designed to be so that, you can make aligned decisions and better navigate your own life with a deeper sense of Satisfaction, Success, Peace and Surprise.





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